Friday, January 30, 2015

What Fun!

This week there were three maps created using some similar elements and I really enjoyed creating them.  All of them had to do with Mexico in some way elevation, population density, or urban areas.  I think that my favorite was the elevation map because that is more along the lines of the data that I one day hope to work in scientific data so I really did like this one.  Below are my map examples:
Mexico State Population Size

Urban Areas of Central Mexico

Surface Elevation in Meters of Mexico
One of the neat things about the Urban Area of Central Mexico map is that my cousins lived in Guadalajara for a few years and I was able to go visit them, it was a very neat experience.  Also, my sister did a study abroad in Puebla for a semester.  Previously I wasn't sure in Mexico where it was in relation to other cities but I have a better idea now!  Some of the challenges that I faced while completing this lab is that I was very nit picky about the display of things and worked very hard on the presentation of elements in these maps.  I will say that from my previous GIS classes, I am missing Adobe Illustrator because of the ease of manipulating things like text and colors.  I sure do hope that we get into that program in the class.

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