Thursday, February 12, 2015


This weeks lab was all about comparing projections.  This is a very powerful tool because it can make or break your map.  With the wrong projection data may be distorted, therefore it is very important to choose the correct projection for your project.  Some projections are better suited for specific tasks than others.  For example the World Geodetic System 1984 is used for the GPS and by NASA satellites.  Other projections are suited for mapping a specific part of the world.  This lab concentrated specifically on examining the differences between four counties in Florida.  It used the square mileage of each county to show the differences between each projection type.  Below is the output I created.  We were left to our own devices when it came to the creativity aspect of this project which I really did like, it is a change of pace and shows that we are getting more self sufficient with ArcMap.
Projection Comparison.
The only issue I had with this lab was after running the projection tool it didn't add the data frame automatically. Which wasn't a big deal except I didn't get a pop-up notification that the tool even ran correctly so I ran it multiple times before realizing that it was correctly outputting the data and that I needed to manually input it.

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