Friday, February 28, 2014

Lab 7

In lab 7 we learned about Choropleth maps which are used to portray many different things such as population change or land use.  In this lab we looked at the US population change from 1990-2000.  The first map we created was looking at the specific state percentage change. Below is the example I created.  I chose this color scheme because I felt that it best represented the division between the 5 classes.  For Alaska and Hawaii we were asked to move and resize them but if we resized without the scale bar we were asked to put "Not to Scale" near them.  I attempted to use the scale resizing which admittedly did not work all that well.  In the second map I used the not to scale and I believe that it turned out much better.  The second map is the US population change by division.  I found the second map to be much easier to complete, probably because I had already done most of the work.  I really struggled with the first map and this lab was by far the hardest lab we have done.

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