Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ugh, Lab 7/Midterm

I will start with this, I did NOT like this lab.  I found this lab to be quite difficult purely because of the having to search for data and I felt like the directions were not clear on one part.  I was assigned Nassau County and we needed to represent a few data sets in the lab.  They were: 
Required Data Sets
The issue I had was with the Public Land.  I originally though that we needed to include all publicly owned parcels within the county.  In the Navy there is a saying to describe over-thinking something, it is "You're nuking it"  which is exactly what I did with that part of the lab.  I was able to find data sets with a description that fit the requirement however, that was not so with the public land data set.  I still am not sure if what I put in the map is correct or not :/.  I decided to do 2 separate maps. The first one is using the raster data.  The Digital Elevation Model or DEM and the Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads or DOQQ and then another representing the rest of the data.
Raster Map

Vector Map

I believe that my maps turned out quite well and I believe that I accomplished the objectives of this lab.  I am looking forward to not having to complete this lab again though.

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