Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lab 11- Working with Vectors

Every time I hear vector, this is what I think of, Vector from Despicable Me.  Overall this lab was not bad, it was actually kind of fun because we got to see some of the power of ArcMap, which is mindblowingly powerful.
This week we had to use a selected set of data to create a map of some buffered campsites located in Mississippi they had specific distance requirements from the roads and water sources.  I did like the actual lab but have noticed that we are being expected to be more self sufficient which would be great if I was taking both classes this semester but since what I'm learning in this class is not really being reinforced through the other class it is quite difficult for me to remember how to accomplish certain tasks.  I try my hardest to not go back and look because I need to find it on my own in order to remember it.  The actual lab itself was fairly straightforward other than one section where we needed to use a different Overlay tool to accomplish the same task  that we accomplished through the Union tool.  This was difficult for me because I am not very good with logic so I belive that I used every single tool until I found one that worked exactly the same and the Union.  It was the identity tool and I'm not sure if I did that part correctly but I suppose there is only one way to find out!  Until next week GISsers!

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