Friday, February 21, 2014

Lab 6

Data Classification, it is quite a tricky thing!  This lab had us examine a couple different ways to classify data sets.  We used the natural break or Jenks, standard deviation, quantile, and equal interval.  There are quite a few subtle differences between the map types.  I preferred the natural break map because of the legend distribution.  Also, I like that graduated color scale the best.
Four different data classification schemes
 The map shown below was my favorite, it is enlarged so you can see the details better.
Larger natural break map
Overall, this lab went very smoothly because it was fairly straight forward to change the classification scheme and color scheme.  I am becoming much more comfortable in working with ArcMap which is a good thing.  Hopefully I will continue gain an understanding so that eventually I will be able to perform tasks using it without looking at instructions!

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